Project on Working Towards Comprehensive Policies for Violence-Free Life for Women and Girls
The mission of the Coalition to Stop Violence against Women is to jointly contribute to the elimination of gender-based violence against women and girls by strengthening prevention and protection mechanisms.
Overall Objective
To contribute to the improved quality of public service delivery at national and local levels of governance in ensuring the constitutional provision of equality between women and men by addressing various forms of discrimination against women (girls) and identifying gaps in statutory regulations preventing and prosecuting all forms of violence perpetrated against them.
Main Components
1․ Evaluation of the current legal normative acts aimed at preventing and protecting against GBV.
2․ Assessment of enforcement and implementation mechanisms derived from legal normative acts aimed at preventing and protecting against GBV.
3․ Creation of a beneficiary-led advocacy campaign for the prevention and protection against GBV.
Expected Results:
- An analysis will be conducted on the 8 Laws and Codes, along with interconnected legal normative acts, which regulate gender equality and gender-based violence.
- 2 primary policy areas, one concerning education and the other data collection, will be scrutinized to pinpoint existing gaps.
- 4 research exercises will be conducted, including surveys, focus group discussions, court case analysis, and media monitoring, to identify issues exacerbating gaps in gender equality, notably the heightened risk of gender-based violence.
- 4 consultations involving over 120 key stakeholders will be held to discuss the initial findings of the research and policy analyses.
- 5 publications based on the research and 4 policy analyses will be released to the public, along with 15 articles in key news outlets to highlight the main findings of the research and policy analysis.
- Lastly, a final conference with key stakeholders will be convened to present the findings from all the research and analyses in one comprehensive report.
Duration: December 1, 2023 – November 30, 2024
Total project budget: 24,221,060.00 AMDs
The subgrant project on Working towards Comprehensive Policies for Violence Free Life for Women and Girls is implemented by the Coalition to Stop Violence against Women within the framework of the “EQUAL – EU 4 Women Empowerment in Armenia” project.
“EQUAL – EU 4 Women Empowerment in Armenia” project is implemented by OxYGen Foundation, European Partnership for Democracy NGO, Netherlands Helsinki Committee NGO, Women’s Support Center NGO, and WINNET Goris Development Foundation in cooperation with Winnet Sweden NGO. The project is funded by the European Union.