We have organized series of public events in the frames of 16 days of activism against GBV in Yerevan and in the regions on November and December 2015. We straight all our energy and power towards the events within 16 days realizing the activism against GBV in different productive ways including the events in Yerevan and in targeted regions. We have several goals. The main goal was awareness raising of the society on GBV. The other goal was to straight the attention of the state-representatives and decision maker to the importance of having the law on the prevention of domestic violence, that’s why we wrote a letter to the Government pointing the importance of the presence of the law and the problems in the society because its absence.

We got the answer from the Ministry of Justice, that the draft of the law was previewed according to the standards of international experience and they are working on the improvement of the draft of the law on DV. We answered them, that we want to be involve in the improvement of the draft of the law as we have experts facing with DV in everyday live, and practice in this field is important for developing a law which will work. And the negotiations are in process.

Within 16 days we realized lot of public events and TV programs on combating DV in Armenia, aware-raising of the society on DV and advocacy.

The advocacy and awareness raising campaign on 16 days of activism against gender-based violence in Armenia started on November 25-thwith the march at 12:00 pm. Our route started from Kasyan str.(near Mergelyan Institute) and continues to Barekamutyun metro station, Baghramyan avenue, Opera house, the Freedom Square, Northern avenue, and it ends by the Government building where the members of the Coalition passed a letter demanding the adoption of DV law to the prime minister. The participants of the march were with shakers in their hands, which gave us the possibility to attract passers-by and be more vocal about our message. As the slogan of the 16 days was “From peace in the family to the peace in the world”, we wrote special symbolic text concerning this theme, and we took some expressions/phrases from that text and use them for our march posters and shakers. We made a press release concerning the notion of 16 days and spread it in mass media. There were 50 participants of different ages spreading nearly 150 booklets of the Coalition to the passers-by in this way making awareness raising. There were also mass media in the march and there are illustrations about our march in media.[ess_grid alias=”Nov25march”]