On March 10 “The Coalition to Stop Violence Against Women” organized the round table discussion on ” Legislation on the prevention of domestic violence, as an important precondition for the protection of human rights”, which took place in the Ball ROOM of the Congress Hotel. The representatives of the Government, the National Assembly, the police and international organizations were invited to the round table. During the discussion the draft law developed by the Coalition to Stop Violence against Women on “Prevention of Domestic Violence ” was presented. The leading specialist of the Ministry of Justice Alen Mkrtchyan presented the governmental position on the adoption of legislation and in particular ensured that the timetable for adoption of the legislation on prevention of Domestic Violence was to be in the 4th quarter of 2016.

The representative of Ministry of Justice Hasmik Simonyan presented the process of implementation and ratification of international documents relating to human rights and mentioned 2017 as the deadline for ratification of the Istanbul Convention . During the roundtable the Deputy Minister of Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Filaret Berikyan spoke about the necessity of the Legislation on Domestic Violence.The representative of the Police Norayr Ishkhanyan fixed the problems of the work of law enforcement authorothies.