Amidst the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Coalition to Stop Violence against Women will provide funds from its programs to women subjected to violence and discrimination in order to overcome their socio-economic hardships. Emergency packages will include housing and utility fees aimed at improving women’s livelihoods in extreme situations.
The Coalition to Stop Violence against Women will direct some of its project funds towards the economic empowerment of women directly affected by COVID-19. In particular, the organization will support women survivors of sexual and gender-based violence, who with the support of the Coalition’s member organizations had overcome violence and were able to open small income-generating activities. Women beneficiaries will be provided with the necessary tools and materials (sewing machines, textiles, floral arrangements, hairdressing supplies, etc.) to restore their business initiatives and maintain their economic independence.
Thanks to this approach we will be able to improve the livelihoods of women directly affected by the COVID-19 situation by providing them with emergency support packages and by helping women subjected to sexual and gender-based violence to expand their economic rights and independence.
The total amount of grants is 6395000 AMD, of which 3803000 AMD for social assistance and 2592000 AMD for payment of housing and utilities. The initiative is funded by the Swedish Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation.