A series  of public  events took place  in frames of  16 day s of activism against  GBV in Yerevan and  the regions on November  and  December 2015.  Due to our   visits to the  regions within the frames of  16 days more than 5000  women in regions were informed about their rights and  got  possibilities to  talk to the members of  our organizations. They get informed about the organizations protecting  women in Armenia and  the hot-lines  where  they  can call us. We spread our booklets in case of emergency in Ijevan and Gavar, the most targeted regions of vulnerable women.

We got an allowance to make our action in the centrals squares of Ijevan and Gavar. On November 27-that 10:00-18:00 we went to Ijevan. We hold the action of shoes exhibition displaying the DV victim’s stories that we made in the Republic Square on October 1st, 2015. There was the info-table with the programs of each organization involved in the Coalition. At the same time we cooperated with the local organizations. [ess_grid alias=”ijevan”]